Can You Guess Which ‘Sex And The City’ Character Said These Quotes?


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sex and the city quotes
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sex and the city quotes
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sex and the city quotes
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Correct! Wrong!


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sex and the city quotes
Correct! Wrong!

Which Sex And The City Character Said This Quote?
Do you even watch Sex And The City?

sex and the city quotes

Okay, so you didn't do too great, but that's okay! The girls will always be waiting for you to re-watch their shenanigans when you're ready.

ohmygod gif satc

You've seen the show before, but you could definitely watch it a few more times. You clearly know the signature quotes -- it's those offhand remarks that got you. Overall, nice job!
Were you IN Sex And The City?

Sarah Jessica Parker, is that you? You've memorized all the lines and can repeat them as if they're your own thoughts. Have you considered watching a different show? No? Hey, you do you.
You almost had it!

satc quotes

You were soooo close to an A+. You've watched the series multiple times, but watching it a few more times won't hurt... and you can take this quiz again after!

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