The 411 On Kava, The Pacific Islander Beverage That Helps Reduce Anxiety

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The first time I was asked if I’d ever tried kava, my response was, “Yeah, the Mediterranean Chipotle? Love it.” My friend was confused – apparently, the restaurant Cava isn’t a thing on the West Coast.

Nope, she was talking about kava, the root long used by Pacific Islanders in rituals and for medicinal purposes. Nowadays, it’s popularly used in drinks to help sufferers of insomnia and anxiety. The effects don’t produce a “high,” per se, but they do promote a general sense of euphoric relaxation and happiness. 

Needless to say, I was stoked to try it. My brain is always in about a million different places, and I frequently find myself on edge for no reason. I hoped kava might provide the calming effect I needed without the high. 

Drinkroot sent me a sample of their kava powder blend to try. Here’s what I thought!

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Drinkroot’s kava comes in powdered form and is meant to be mixed in with a drink. They’re very upfront about the “earthy” flavor of the powder, and they aren’t kidding – this stuff tastes like dirt. My first challenge was figuring out how to make it palatable, because just dissolving it in a glass of water did not do the trick. I found myself choking it down like a kid with cough syrup. The remedy was simple, though; I just brewed some lemon ginger green tea, dissolved the kava in it, and it tasted fine.

As far as dosage, Drinkroot’s kava came with a small scoop. Drinkroot recommends one scoop for light, calming stress relief; two scoops for a deeper sense of euphoria and calm; and three if you want a heavier sedation (particularly before bedtime). They also recommend to consume on an empty stomach, if you want to feel the full effects. 

I put two scoops in my first kava drink – I wanted to make sure I felt something and I tend to have a higher tolerance to substances. Let me just tell you, I was not disappointed.

The first thing I noticed, after about 30 minutes of consuming the drink, was feeling weirdly happy and like I just wanted to chill. I paused my work for the day, turned on the TV, and pulled out the puzzle I was working on. I didn’t feel any psychoactive effects – I still was confident I could drive, if needed, (although it’s not recommended, and I definitely would not attempt). 

It was more of a feeling of euphoria – complete contentment with things as they are, and a certain peacefulness and joy. You know those times when everything just feels right – a cool summer evening with a glass of wine after the kids are in bed, a quiet walk by yourself, or Sunday afternoon leisurely shopping? It made me feel like that. Like everything was right (even if not perfect) and everything belonged.

Did kava turn me into a sap? Maybe. But it also, honestly, gave me a much-needed brain break from the stressors of the day-to-day. It made it easier to find peace and joy right where I was. And, seriously, you can’t put a price tag on that – which is to say, I will definitely keep kava as a part of my wellness routine!



Have you tried Drinkroot kava? What do you think of it? Share with us in the comments!

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