March’s Horoscope Says You’re About To Spring Into New Possibilities

After a long winter riddled with challenges, the Spring Equinox is finally in front of our doors. Hardly any other month feels as optimistic and promising as March. It’s the time when we come alive again, leave our shells, and start looking forward to feeling the sun on our skin.

Thanks to that, you might feel more eager to embrace new beginnings and take risks. Thus, Jupiter will form a conjunction with Mercury, and Venus with Aquarius, promising exciting events and an opportunity to reconnect with ourselves. 

You’re wondering how that will affect your Zodiac sign, aren’t you? We’ve got you covered! Your favorite horoscope reading is here, so read on to discover what March 2022 has in store for you.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

aries horoscope

Dear Aries, it’s your anniversary month. Happy birthday! March will gift you with lucky career prospects, enabling you to set into motion plans that have been on the back burner for a long time. A promotion, raise, or significant recognition might also come your way. However, relationships could be challenging, and you might experience a roller coaster of emotions. There’s a chance you’ll meet a fascinating foreigner around March 10.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

taurus horoscope

Things you do now will make an echo in the months ahead. You’ll be in a great position to enhance your status and build a stellar reputation in your career field. Be wary of possible faults in your approach and revise it timely. On the other hand, you might feel insecure about your romantic partner around March 4, which could cause unnecessary distractions. Also, keep your immunity in check as minor colds are possible.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

gemini horoscope

March will start with an increased introspection and questions about who you are and where you see yourself in the future. Throughout the month, you’ll struggle with profound doubts that force you to revisit memories and reconnect with yourself. But you’ll finally feel more yourself around March 17, and the clarity you’ll unlock will help you determine the path you want to take. You’ll also have to address unsolved issues with your partner and be less stubborn.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

cancer horoscope

Dear Cancer, a sense of transition or internal changes could happen in the first five days of the month. Because of that, you might feel out of energy, but you’ll recharge by being there for someone close to you. In general, you’ll focus on helping others, and you’ll enjoy the fulfilling emotions you’ll earn in the process. Around March 17, you’ll start feeling, again, that something is about to change or that new beginnings will shake your life.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

leo horoscope

The romantic aspect of your life will likely thrive this month. You’ll feel a profound connection with your partner or meet someone who could awake feelings you thought you might never feel again. However, you’ll struggle with indecisiveness throughout March. That could cause challenges at work or affect confidence regarding accepting new assignments.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

virgo horoscope

Work will be your principal source of stress in March, dear Virgo. You’ll hustle more than usual, face continuous last-minute changes, and doubt your ability to handle things. Although you’ll overcome these obstacles and be proud of yourself, you could finish the month burned out and exhausted. Seek support from your romantic partner or family; spending relaxing time with them will bring you peace of mind.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

libra horoscope

You’ll likely take a short trip this month or join an engaging workshop. But you’ll often make rash decisions and be overly spontaneous, which your partner might find bothersome. Moreover, you could get a chance to solve old issues or have a healing conversation with someone from your past. Work prospects promise a lot of activity, new contacts, and hard work.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

scorpio horoscope

Dear Scorpio, home affairs will likely be the highlight of this month. Hence, March might feel slow and like nothing is happening, but relaxing moments could be what you need. But it’s also possible you’ll move or consider purchasing a house. Your manager will be happy with your results, resulting in a much-needed acknowledgment and better opportunities.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

sagittarius horoscope

An opportunity to benefit from an old idea or reactivation of a past partnership could arise in March. You’ll be keen on investing and seeking ways to increase your wealth. However, avoid rush decisions and read every contract before signing papers. Although you won’t have too much time for romantic activities this month, when you do, it will be thrilling and memorable.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

capricorn horoscope

Poorly thought-out decisions could hinder your satisfaction this month. You might encounter unexpected expenses or make a purchase that will cost you much more long-term than you thought. Thus, you’ll often feel like you’re stuck on a treadmill and unable to pinpoint a move that will bring positive changes. Use words carefully when communicating with your partner or friends because you’ll be prone to speaking before thinking it through.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

aquarius horoscope

Dear Aquarius, you’ll feel an intense connection with your loved ones and friends this month. But you’ll also miss some people from your past, and you might find inspiration in nostalgia. Life will present you with various learning opportunities, and you’ll grow significantly throughout March. Work could be hectic, but you’ll enjoy it because every day will be full of activities and new challenges.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

pisces horoscope

Your romantic partner might feel neglected this month, and they’ll need you to show love and patience. Ensure that you focus equally on your relationships and work because you might be more interested in financial matters and growing professionally. But you’ll also participate in exciting social activities and mingle with people from different walks of life.


What does March have in store for you? Let us know in the comments below!

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