6 Sustainable Sex Toys That Will Make You + The Planet Very Happy

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Are you on the prowl for the most powerful, technologically advanced, sustainable sex toys

Granted, sustainability might not be at the forefront of our minds when we finally have the chance to relax with a glass of wine, fill our bathtubs, and seek out that wonderful orgasmic euphoria. 

However, 2022 is the perfect time to replace our go-to plastic sex toys with some of the most environmentally friendly alternatives so that we can please ourselves without further fucking the environment over.

Here is a collection of the best eco-friendly sex toys now available, including non-toxic dildos, dildo-like oral sex stimulators, and vibrating toys.

Why Use Sustainable Sex Toys?

The truth is that PVC is often used to make sex toys. PVC is a well-known polluter that not only adds to landfill waste but also needs a lot of energy, water, and chemicals to make. So even if you are a big fan of sustainable fashion and clean beauty, your favorite toy could be exposing you to dangerous chemicals.

The good news is that the best sustainable sex toys are more than capable of giving you the most unforgettable “you time” and transport you to a pleasurable orgasmic bliss using no toxic chemicals. From the first biodegradable vibrator to top-rated G-spot massagers and double-duty stainless steel dildos, all the choices are in your favor.

Most sustainable sex toys can be recycled, and some even break down naturally in nature. Because they don’t have any chemicals, they won’t irritate your skin or cause health problems. Also, bacteria won’t stick around, and the surface can be easily cleaned.

The Best Sustainable Sex Toys

The Water Slyde® Aquatic Stimulator

sustainable sex toys
We reviewed The Water Slyde® Aquatic Stimulator and you can read all about it here!


Gaia Eco Bullet Vibrator

sustainable sex toys

“Love yourself and the planet with this smooth waterproof mini-bullet vibrator with an eco-friendly difference! Created from BioFeel, a starch-based bioplastic made of a polymer compound mixed with cornstarch, it’s biodegradable in commercial compost and recyclable in select facilities. Making it uses less energy and creates fewer greenhouse gas emissions than traditional plastic, so you can feel good about feeling good,” says Babeland.


Njoy Pure Wand

“No matter how many toys you have, you don’t have anything like the sleek Pure Wand dildo (formerly known as the Jupiter Wand). Twenty-four ounces of heavy metal packaged in a lustrous curve add considerable weight to penetration, making it firmer, more substantial, and more intense than ever before. Hefty, weighty, and sleeker than sleek, the Pure Wand promises and delivers top-of-the-line quality and outstanding performance,” says Babeland.


Womanizer Premium Eco

sustainable sex toys

The Womanizer Premium Eco is the first Pleasure Air sex toy ever to be made from eco-friendly, renewable materials.


Classic Rampant Rabbit Vibrating Dildo

The Classic Rampant Rabbit Vibrating Dildo is made of body-safe silicone and has nine different vibration settings. It’s almost the same as high-end brands like Lelo, but it’s cheaper and comes from a small business that plants trees for every unit sold to offset their carbon footprint.


Natural Pleasures 5″ Biodegradable Vibrator

Except for the motors, all Natural Pleasures devices are made from 100% recycled Bio-Based plastics that are safe for the environment and the body. The boxes are also made from 100% recycled paper and cardboard. One AA battery can power the 5-inch vibe for up to 45 minutes of orgasmic play.



Tell us if you plan to upgrade to a sustainable sex toy in the comments!

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