Want To Know What 2022 Has In Store For You? Here’s Your Horoscope For The Year!

Undoubtedly, this year has been a wild ride! The past 12 months were full of changes, impactful celestial placements, and challenges.

It wasn’t easy, and regardless of your Zodiac sign, you likely experienced at least one transformative event that closed old chapters or opened new ones. If the turbulences 2021 brought overwhelmed you, then you’ll probably enjoy the overall energy of 2022.

Although the first two months of 2022 will be just as intense, the year ahead of us has more relaxed vibes than the one we’re leaving behind. Self-love, relationships, and introspection will be the principal themes in the following months. 

Zodiac Story’s Sagittarius horoscope

Keep on checking your resources to stay in touch with what will happen in 2022. If you prefer offline resources, you can read YourTango, AstroLogic Magazine, or Astrosage. You can as well use the internet to stay on top of all the astrological news. For instance, all the fellow Sagittariuses out there might find Zodiac Story’s Sagittarius horoscope helpful and quite informative. Now let’s dive deep into how 2022 will affect different signs.

The Nodes of Destiny will move into Taurus and Scorpio in mid-January, making people more open to new connections and willing to break down the walls that hold them back from love. Thus, Jupiter will have a favorable placement in Pisces from May 10 until October 28, intensifying the power of attraction. 

But before that happens, Jupiter will form a conjunction with Neptune on April 12 and unlock a combo of creativity and compassion. However, not everything will be smooth: Mercury will retrograde four times in 2022. 

Despite that, the year ahead will bring back positive energy and changes. If you’re eager to discover what your Zodiac sign can expect in 2022, grab your favorite snacks and keep reading!


aries horoscope

Dear Aries, take a deep breath because 2022 meets all the conditions of a year you’ll never forget. If you recall December 2020, you might remember starting to feel more mindful and re-evaluating where you invest your energy.

The questions you had back then will re-emerge, causing internal shifts that influence how you interact with the world around you. Your inner world will expand if you are open to the changes and embrace possibilities without fear. 

Jupiter will spend most of the year shifting between your 12th and 1st house, starting a new chapter. That means that the time of expansion and growth is ahead of you. 

However, you’ll have an impression that you’re standing on the edge of your old life, looking at the future, but uncertain whether you’re ready for changes and new habits. That will likely increase your interest in spirituality, mysteries, and taboo topics. 

Let your curiosity run wild and explore. Be free to ask intriguing questions and tap into your subconsciousness. 

Re-evaluation of Relationships and Friendships

When Mercury goes retrograde on January 14 and enters your friendship sphere, you’ll discover that you’re more open to people from diverse backgrounds and communities you never considered as your potential close circle. But you might also notice that people you thought you knew well are changing and going in a different direction from you.

As a result, you’ll often be confused about whether you should let go of someone or try harder. Let the time answer these questions for you and show you who’s there for the long haul. 

On May 10, Mercury will start its retrograde phase again and move into your third house, affecting communication and networking. One of your close friends could show their true colors and cause a significant disappointment in that period. 

Because of that, you’ll often question your choices and how well you can judge a character. These doubts will cause you to raise your criteria and be less tolerant of misunderstandings and misbehavior. 

Mercury retrograde will once again test your patience in the fall, forcing you to make tough decisions and identify what connections are holding you back. This year, you’ll eliminate toxic relationships from your life and become more selective about emotional attachments.

Yet, you’ll also learn that you haven’t been giving chances to people from different walks of life, motivating you to meet individuals who you never imagined could be your friends. Moreover, the asteroid Chiron will continue its journey through your sign, reinforcing the need to address your past traumas.

Uncomfortable feelings will challenge your willpower and trigger growth. That energy will open a path to life-changing opportunities and experiences that will result in more self-love. 

Despite being a passionate person capable of overcoming hardships, you often underestimate your abilities. But when Chiron starts retrograding in mid-July, you’ll feel an intense wave of energy, and that will re-activate the courage you need to strive towards your goals. 

Thanks to that, you’ll feel more confident than you did in the past two years. These magnetic vibrations will make you feel like you’re unstoppable, and even if something feels unlikely to happen, you won’t let that slow you down.

Letting Go Of Things That No Longer Serve You

You won’t only question your friendships and romantic relationships. Venus will be in its retrograde phase and enter your 10th house at the beginning of the year. 

Hence, you might start 2022 wondering whether it’s time to change your career or launch your own business. These questions will exacerbate during Venus’ retrograde and put your beliefs and convictions under scrutiny.

Material possessions and financial management will also require re-evaluation. During this period, you’ll likely realize that you hold on to some ideas, viewpoints, or items that no longer contribute to your growth. 

That isn’t to say you’ll be 100 percent sure how to replace things that don’t serve you anymore. As a result, you might find yourself feeling lost and struggling with nostalgia. 

Don’t let these doubts hold you back because questions will turn into lessons that you’ll need to reach your objectives. Remember, 2022 will bring introspection to the forefront and remind you that life doesn’t need to be turbulent all the time to be meaningful. 

You’ll experience various inner changes throughout the year, requiring a mindful approach. Thus, your 2nd house and 8th house will be the epicenter of a series of Lunar and Solar eclipses.

Because of that, the transformation will be the recurring theme in 2022, but that shouldn’t intimidate you. On the contrary, that means that you’ll have the power to turn the life you imagined into reality. 

Jupiter will back up your efforts, bringing you luck and motivating you to go after your dreams. Get ready, fearless Aries. The year ahead of you is when you’ll step out of your comfort zone and be unapologetically you. 

taurus horoscope

Dear Taurus, the revolutionary Uranus has had a powerful impact on your sign in the past few years. Because of that, you probably experienced things that transformed your character or life. 

The year ahead of you will be just as transformative, and it will give you opportunities to enjoy the results of the hard work you did in the past. At the beginning of 2022, Jupiter will enter Pisces, ensuring that you profit from the effort you invested into your projects last year.

On April 30, a Solar Eclipse will fall into your sign, giving you a chance to set achievable objectives concerning your growth and self-development. You’ll see the results of the effort you put in this period as the year moves forward. 

However, a Lunar Eclipse will be in your sign in early November, allowing you to enjoy the outcomes of the hard work you have put in months ago. Pay attention to what you manifest between April and November because you’ll likely see it become real. 

Relationships Becoming More Honest

A Lunar Eclipse will take place in Scorpio on May 15, and it will align with your relationship sphere. That could be the time when your connections change, and you discover something about your loved ones that you won’t take lightly. 

But that isn’t to say a relationship will come to an end. Instead, what you find out could be a trigger to start working on issues you’ve been pushing under the rug. As a result, your relations with people could become more transparent and genuine. 

On October 25, another Solar Eclipse will happen and remind you again to foster honesty and openness in your close connections. However, you’ll also feel that you need to explore your identity beyond your romantic relations and ensure you’re continuously improving yourself. 

Throughout the year, you’ll have the impression that you’re on a journey of seeking deeper meaning in life. Moreover, many events and people you meet in 2022 will feel like they were meant to happen and cross paths with you.

You’ll also have a feeling that others acknowledge you more than they did in the past. Indeed, your energy will be magnetic throughout the year, inspiring people to want to be more like you.

Others will admire your contagious smile, positive spirit, and determination. As a result, you’ll feel proud of yourself and comfortable in your skin. 

But you’ll also enjoy being around others because friendships are among the central themes for your sign in 2022. 

Spending time with people will elevate you, and making new connections will contribute to your growth. Thanks to that and Jupiter falling into Pisces, expect your social circle to grow exponentially this year.

Skill Monetization and Financial Expansion

Here’s more good news: besides expanding your networks, you’ll also grow your wealth. The people you meet in 2022 will help you learn how to save more money, live on a budget, invest, or start your own business. 

The year ahead of you is all about improving your life and broadening your horizons. You will want more, and you’ll start brainstorming how to implement positive changes into your daily routine. 

Because of that, you might become interested in self-help, entrepreneurship, or better skincare. However, it’s also possible you’ll go back to college, enroll in a new class, or start learning a foreign language. 

The number of hobbies you have will likely increase, and you’ll add new abilities to your skillset. But your curiosity about spirituality and philosophy will also grow. 

Saturn will travel through your career sphere in the years to come, making you wonder how you could monetize your capabilities and knowledge. Hence, what was once only a passion of yours could become your new source of income. 

The most significant thing to keep in mind in 2022 is to be courageous and not allow anyone to discourage you from working on your projects. Be bold and follow your dreams, regardless of how silly they sound to someone who doesn’t know you well. 

Try new things and question dogmas. Avoid doing what everyone else is doing because it feels comfortable. And if it takes time to understand what you should do in the future, then take it. 

Although friendships, personal growth, and entrepreneurship will be your core themes in 2022, you’ll also likely meet a romantic interest who could become a long-term connection. The New Moon on August 27 might introduce you to a new friend who may turn to be your future significant other. 

Various things will align perfectly in 2022, allowing you to pursue your goals and find your tribe. As a result, this is the year when you’ll feel authentic, confident, and ready to take on any challenge.

gemini horoscope

Dear Gemini, 2022 will start with Venus retrograding through your House of Rebirth (the 8th house). That means that this year could be beyond transformational. 

Because of that, you’ll likely re-evaluate your beliefs, connections, and money management. Thus, Mercury Retrograde will occur in the same period as Venus Retrograde, and it will fall into your 9th house. 

Hence, you may feel that you’re changing and becoming a new version of yourself. But no worries! It’s going to be an upgrade from who you used to be!

However, most improvements will occur in the career sector. Professionally, this could be one of the best years, bringing you success and accomplishments. 

Creativity and Life-changing Experiences

Saturn will continue its travel through your learning and development area in 2022, so you might decide to take an online course or go back to school. That could also trigger you to move abroad or live in a foreign country for one semester. 

Nevertheless, you’ll likely travel to an exotic location in 2022 and immerse yourself in a culture that always sparked your curiosity. That experience could be life-changing as you’ll improve your self-reliance skills, gain invaluable knowledge, and meet intriguing individuals.

But your path doesn’t necessarily include crossing borders. You might find new places in your country or hometown and learn things that will accelerate your professional and personal growth.

Pay attention to opportunities that arise between May 10 and October 27. In that period, Jupiter will enter Aries, creating a chance to achieve a dream you had since a young age. 

You’ll often have a feeling that 2022 is unfolding faster than you would want. Because of that, you might struggle with tiredness and lack of time for yourself. These issues will become more prominent when Mercury goes retrograde in your sign. 

That’s when you’ll find yourself unable to structure your thoughts in a way that others can understand. Communication could be off in this period, and you might want to spend more time alone than surrounded by people.

Because of that, it would be a good idea to take some time to remove yourself from the stress in May. Go on a vacation, hike, or journal your thoughts. 

These activities could also unlock your creativity and result in innovative ideas and solutions. Don’t be afraid to be on your own and explore your imagination because that could lead to great things and help you unwind.

Mercury will again go retrograde during the fall, giving another boost to your creativity and inspiring you to start working on new projects. At the end of October, action-driven Mars will enter its retrograde phase, and you might struggle with chaotic thoughts and schedules in this period.

Thus, you’ll likely question your decisions and plans, wondering if you could have done things better. Consider to-do lists and write down your meetings and assignments to not forget important dates. 

You might feel overwhelmed in early November and need a break from the world. If things get too much for you, slow down and dedicate yourself to activities that make you feel relaxed and help you boost your energy.

Introspection and Healthy Habits

A series of Lunar and Solar Eclipses will occur in your 6th and 12th house, and that energy will make you more selective concerning how and with who you spend your time. Because of that, you’ll often prefer to be alone than force yourself to be among people if that doesn’t feel fulfilling. 

Once a Solar Eclipse enters your 12th house at the end of April, you may have an impression that something is holding you back from working more efficiently on your goals. The stress you’ll experience in this period could affect your health if you stop paying attention to the signs your body is sending you.

However, you’ll probably feel an urge to improve your life and implement healthier habits and diet when a Solar Eclipse arrives on October 25. That will give you the push you need to stick with a better routine and commit to a different lifestyle.

Although 2022 will face you with various challenges, you’ll start the year with a positive attitude and maintain that optimism even when things go south. You will predominantly focus on your career and education, but you will continuously wonder if something more is missing from your life.

Yet, you will encounter various situations and people that will inspire you and give you clues on what could make you feel happier and help you find your path. The good thing is that you won’t lack resilience this year.

Even when feeling tired, you will feel that great things are ahead of you and that you must keep going to reach them. The universe will recognize that energy and respond to your vibes.

As a result, you’ll likely meet a community that gives you a sense of belonging or start working on a project that makes you confident that you found your purpose.  

cancer horoscope

Dear Cancer, the previous few years have probably been full of personal and career transformations. Considering that disciplined Saturn will continue its journey through your 8th house throughout 2022, changes will no longer be internal only. 

In general, the year ahead of you fulfills all the conditions necessary to be unforgettable. After 12 years, lucky Jupiter will move into Pisces, a water sign that shares various similarities with yours. 

However, 2022 will start with Venus retrograde traveling through your relationships sector until the end of January. Because of that, the universe might test your personal connections and friendships.

Thus Mercury retrograde will shake your self-control and how you relate to other people in mid-January. Your professional and emotional growth may accelerate in this period, affecting your relationships. 

Confidence Boost and Emotional Boundaries

The internal changes that will subtly take place will make you question your identity and connections. As you change, your relations with people will transform too. 

Although you’ll likely encounter various emotional challenges and feel frustrated, you should focus on the meaning behind these hardships. Consider whether the relationships that fell apart were healthy and what lessons you can source in this period. 

You may also meet new people at this time. Some of them could have a significant impact on your life in the future. Whatever happens, you’ll find out who you can count on when things go downhills and who’s only there when you’re experiencing positive things. 

Mercury will retrograde again on May 10, falling into your 12th house and activating healing. That is the time when things will change for the better, although it’ll look like another challenge in the beginning. 

The outdated beliefs you hold will crumble, and you’ll find yourself in situations that require your confidence to come to the forefront. Thanks to that, you’ll learn how to stand up for yourself, advocate for your convictions, and support other people and movements. 

Nevertheless, you’ll often feel lost and unable to recognize yourself because you’re used to sacrificing, doing things for others, and even being a people-pleaser. But that will be the time when you’ll learn that you can’t be there for other persons if you’re not there for yourself first. 

On October 30, Mars will retrograde in your 12th house, allowing you to fight for what you believe in and set clear emotional boundaries. As a result, you’ll no longer allow other people to use you or manipulate your feelings. 

However, Mercury will start its third retrograde on September 9, shifting your focus from introspection and personal matters to family issues. That’s when you’ll have to ensure your loved ones give you enough space instead of overwhelming you with their troubles. 

The last Mercury retrograde phase in 2022 starts on December 29 and falls into your personal connections sector. Hence, you’ll probably have to re-evaluate your relationships one more time. 

Professional Progress and Fun Times

Solar and Lunar Eclipses will unlock your creativity during spring and fall due to crossing paths with your 5th house. These events will encourage you to be more honest with yourself and find what makes you feel authentic. 

You’ll radiate vibrant energy and attract potential romantic connections in this period. Moreover, you’ll get professional opportunities that align perfectly with your goals and desires. 

Because of that, you should assess your objectives and understand what it is you’re trying to achieve. The Solar Eclipse will occur on April 30, falling into your friendship sector. 

That means you should turn to your friends and social circle in this period as they’ll likely help you accelerate your projects or finish assignments. However, you’ll struggle with self-doubts when the Lunar Eclipse moves into your 5th house on May 15.

That’s when you should reinforce your confidence and nurture courageous self-expression. Whatever you imagine in this period concerning friendships, long-term dreams, and career goals could start becoming real on November 8, when the last eclipse in 2022 arrives. 

But March 31 is the date you should highlight in your calendar as that’s when the New Moon in Aries will fall into your 10th house, activating professional progress. Thus, Jupiter will form a trine aspect with the Sun, increasing your optimism, charisma, and attractiveness.

Venus will travel into your Zodiac sign on July 17 and stay there until August 11. That’s the time when you’ll likely spend more money than in any other period of the year.

You’ll seek comfort in shopping, nights outs, pricey events, and improving your physical appearance. Thanks to that, you might meet your future partner or find yourself surrounded by friends. 

If you’re in a relationship, your significant other could find you increasingly attractive in this period but also emotionally detached. But with or without a partner, you’ll have fun in the summer and create memories you’ll never forget. 

In general, 2022 carries positive energy, and although you’ll experience challenges and often doubt yourself, you’ll feel completely alive, more than you did in the past few years. You will grow on a personal and professional level and strengthen your relationships. 

leo horoscope

Dear Leo, you might have put self-care, enjoying simple things, and self-love in the corner in the past two years. Perhaps you felt like you weren’t getting enough love or attention. 

But here’s the good news: 2022 is here to correct that! The year starts with Venus retrograde traveling through your 6th house, allowing you to take more care of yourself and adopt healthier habits. 

Your routine will likely change in this period, and you’ll start paying more attention to your immunity and mental health. Moreover, you’ll be committed to your annual goals, boosting your motivation to prioritize your well-being, self-love, and time for yourself. 

Self-Love Boost and New Friendships

Other people might accuse you of being too self-centered, but you should remember how much you deprived yourself of many pleasures in the past year. However, remember to nurture your relationships because Saturn will slowly travel through your personal connections sphere.

During that period, you’ll encounter challenges that will show you how to adapt and reach a common ground with people in your life. After all, your relationships manifest how you feel about yourself.

Because of that, the hardships you’ll face will motivate you to start an inner change, learning how to be in tune with your own needs and the needs of other people. You will discover that you don’t need to sacrifice your desires nor deprive others of what they want. Instead, you can be happy and do the same for other people.

In 2022, Mercury’s retrograde journey involves passing through three Air Zodiac signs. That means that the way people think and communicate will shift. 

In mid-January, Mercury retrograde falls into your 7th house. It happens right at the same time as Venus retrograde, meaning that your romantic relationships will be the epicenter of miscommunication and disagreements. 

If you’re in a relationship, you might feel your partner doesn’t understand you, and your relationship is rocky. Thus, you’ll both be beyond sensitive and twist what the other one said. 

However, if you’re single, these quarrels could happen between you and your friends or family. As a result, you’ll often feel that people fail to understand where you’re coming from and misinterpreting your viewpoints.

Mercury retrograde will enter your social sphere on May 10 and trigger a desire to expand your social circle and meet new people. You might attend engaging events and parties in this period, resulting in new friendships and intriguing connections. 

Be wary of fidelity issues in this period if you have a partner. People will find your energy contagious, which might result in temptations that could test your relationship. 

The third Mercury retrograde occurs on September 9, aligning with your 3rd house. Because of that, you might decide to learn a new skill, go abroad with a friend, or sign up for a language course. 

A series of eclipses will occur in your 4th house in 2022. Because of that, family matters and household issues will come to the forefront of your life. 

You might have to take care of your family’s business, renovate your home, or handle an emergency. But it’s also possible you’ll consider whether you and your partner are ready for the next step or your relationship is stagnating. 

Career Opportunities and Fun Activities

A Solar Eclipse will begin on April 30 and land in your professional sphere. Use this period to set new objectives and increase efforts concerning career progress. 

Moreover, your finances could experience a positive boom between March and April. You must act wisely in that period and think thoroughly about every opportunity that appears. 

A Lunar Eclipse on May 15 could cause one of your family members to reveal something surprising or uncommon. Or, you might decide to share shocking news, making yourself vulnerable and feeling exposed. 

Yet, that will make you grow closer to your family and encourage you to be more open with them. A Solar Eclipse will fall into your domestic zone on October 25, and you might decide to move in this period or buy a new property.

However, big things are coming only a few days later! You could get a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity right before the Lunar Eclipse on November 8. 

Thus, the New Moon on November 23 falls into your 5th house, and that’s when you could meet a romantic interest that will sway you off your feet. Regardless of whether you’re single or partnered, your relationship status could change in this period. 

Overall, you’ll be more interested in spirituality, wellness, and personal development in 2022. Hence, you shouldn’t be surprised if you suddenly decide to buy Tarot cards or start yoga. 

You will also feel a wave of positive energy on February 17, when Jupiter forms a sextile with Uranus. In that period, you’ll feel eager to improve your life, have more fun, or do things you never did before. 

virgo horoscope

Dear Virgo, you have many demanding goals and projects, but the previous two years didn’t seem to help your progress. Because of that, you might have felt unlucky, tired of trying, or not treated fairly. 

You’ll be happy to hear that things are about to change! Disciplined Saturn will continue traveling through your 6th house and shift focus to wellness.

Perhaps you experienced health issues due to an unhealthy diet or lack of physical activity in late 2021. This year, you’ll be more determined to stick to your fitness habits and eat healthily.

Otherwise, you could experience more severe issues, forcing you to change your routine. Whatever the scenario, you will prioritize your well-being in 2022. 

You could also face the aftermaths of the stress you had throughout last year, motivating you to try meditation or spend more hours at the gym. The universe wants you to be more in tune with your body and respond to its needs without delays. 

Business-First Approach and Determination

The year will start with Venus retrograde, activating your creativity and making your self-expression more prominent. If you’re working on a project or want to begin your own business, this is the perfect period to add the final touch or find innovative solutions. 

Thus, you will learn that you have an outstanding ability to complete tasks with attention to detail without diminishing quality. Thanks to that, you’ll be more confident in your skills and ready to take your spot in the professional world. 

In 2022, Mercury retrograde will align with your 2nd house, 6th house, and 10th house, causing you to pose potentially life-changing questions. Perhaps you’ll ask yourself if it’s time for a career change or whether your employer genuinely appreciates your effort. 

Because of that, you might decide to look for another professional opportunity, continue your education, or launch your business. Although you’ll feel eager to take action and do something to improve your life, Mars retrograde will land in your career sector on October 30. 

Hence, you might feel a tad lost in that period, unable to figure out what to do next. But one thing is sure: you’ll decide it’s time to change something. 

A Solar Eclipse on April 30 will land in your 9th house, giving you the needed energy to set achievable goals for 2022. The universe is on your side, so don’t be afraid of dreaming big. 

A Lunar Eclipse will arrive on May 15 and fall into your 3rd house. Thanks to that, you’ll reassess how you use your words and whether they often work against you. 

Moreover, you might learn to prioritize positive affirmations and stop using negative statements. If you commit yourself to practicing this approach, you could become more confident and improve your self-expression. 

You tend to hold everything in and avoid asking for help. A Solar Eclipse on October 25 will land into your 3rd house, forcing you to start challenging conversations with your loved ones. However, once you open up about how their support helps you be more courageous, you could begin receiving the treatment you deserve from your family and friends. 

Financial Growth and Increasing Confidence

Lunar Eclipse on November 8 will unlock the results of all the effort you have put into your work and projects earlier in the year. If your career didn’t get a boost by then, this is when you’ll encounter an opportunity to scale up your business or land a better job. 

The second half of 2022 is also favorable for your finances. Your streams of income could expand due to side hustle, efficient networking, or turning your hobbies into a money-maker project. 

Relationships won’t undergo substantial changes during this year. If you’re in a relationship, your connection could become more profound or passionate.

But if you’re single, you might meet a compatible partner between January 24 and March 5, as this is the period when Mars will travel through Capricorn. You might meet your romantic interest in the workplace or a business-related setting. 

Overall, your confidence, self-resilience, and innovation skills will grow in 2022. Although relationships aren’t among the main themes, you may meet your future partner in the first half of the year.

However, it’s more likely you’ll expand your social circle and meet new friends who could become your business partners. As your success grows, you might have to re-evaluate your connections and identify who’s in your life because they genuinely care about you. 

libra horoscope

Dear Libra, as you enter 2022, Venus will retrograde through your 4th house, affecting the home and family sector. Although you’re known for your contagious energy and optimism, you might feel low in this period and struggle with nostalgia. 

However, you can use these feelings for profound introspection and understand yourself better. Reflect on your childhood, your earliest influences and wishes.

Reconnect with your inner child and dig deep until you discover whether there’s something that requires healing or more appreciation. Thus, your connection with your mother or an influential woman in your life could come to the spotlight in the first part of 2022, requiring you to address unsolved issues. 

Moreover, you’ll likely become increasingly interested in interior design or renovating your home. Small details will soothe you, and you’ll enjoy purchasing retro décor or clothes that remind you of the happiest periods in your life. 

New Relationships and Creativity Boost

It might be better to avoid decisions that could change the course of events or activities that might disrupt your routine. Be calm and wise in the first half of 2022, as this is the period to relax and recharge your energy. 

That isn’t to say you should be passive and live through motions. Although the first few months of the year require you to be careful, unique celestial activities will bring positive vibrations.

On April 12, Neptune will cross paths with Jupiter in Pisces, which is an event that will only happen once in your lifetime. Thanks to that, your professional projects will be more exciting, and you’ll add extra grace and harmony to everything you do in this period. 

But February and March will also bring a lovely time, especially concerning love and relationships. You’ll be highly active during these two months and have an attractive allure.

Because of that, you might meet someone intriguing in a night out, friendly gathering, or on a lunch break. If you have a partner, you two might increase the number of fun activities or decide to experiment in the bedroom.

On March 6, Venus and Mars will enter Aquarius, creating an opportunity to meet your twin flame and experience some of the greatest moments in your life. But this also may be the period when you and your loved one decide to tie the knot, expand your family, or launch a business together.

Saturn will continue its journey through Aquarius throughout the year, bringing your 5th house to the center of attention. As a result, your creativity will thrive, and you’ll dedicate yourself to your hobbies and passions.

Perhaps you’ll decide to monetize one of your skills or start a makeup blog. However, you’ll also become easier on yourself.

You tend to be overly self-critical and focus all your efforts on helping others and showing up for them. But 2022 will send a cosmic nudge, reminding you that sometimes you should put yourself first.

Thus, Saturn will help you reduce stress and take breaks when you need. As a result, you’ll learn that you can relax and have fun and still find time for your assignments and responsibilities. 

Simple Joy and Personal Growth

One of the principal themes of 2022 is understanding how not to take yourself overly seriously and enjoy life. On May 10, Mercury retrograde will land into your 9th house, encouraging you to emphasize pleasure, joy, and entertainment.

In that period, your mindset will expand, giving a boost to self-love and mindfulness. You’ll also be passionate about traveling and feel like you need to compensate for the times you couldn’t have fun.

Because of that, you might go abroad or take a course in a foreign language. Moreover, the external world will inspire you, and you’ll be eager to create or explore your talents. 

The third Mercury retrograde will happen on September 9, and this will be the perfect time to re-evaluate your goals and decide where you see yourself in the future. You will also reflect on the progress you made throughout the year, realizing you have grown a lot in the past months. 

Various Solar and Lunar Eclipses will land into your 2nd and 8th house in 2022, encouraging you to let go of unhealthy habits, people, and things that hold you back. You could also gain new skills or resources that will help you attract new opportunities and achievements.

On April 30, a Solar Eclipse will fall into your 8th house, and that’s when old debts or unsolved issues might come knocking on your door. However, a Lunar Eclipse on May 15 will push you to manage your money more wisely or ask someone for help.

When a Solar Eclipse hits on October 25, you’ll focus on inspiring others to improve their financial habits or adopt a healthier routine. Thus, the arrival of a Lunar Eclipse on November 8 will help you reach the goals you had throughout 2022 and celebrate your accomplishments. 

Overall, the year ahead of you brings positive vibes and changes into your life. A new romantic friendship, business, or friendship could become the embodiment of these good things.

But with or without a new relationship or a job, you’ll be more creative, kind to yourself, and relaxed than you’ve been in the past few years. 

scorpio horoscope

Dear Scorpio, transformation is among your trademarks, and no one does it like you! Because of that, if no change is shaking up your life, you’ll feel things are too monotonous. 

But no worries! The year ahead of you is just as transformational as the previous two were. 

Saturn will cruise through your 4th house throughout 2022, highlighting your family and home sector. Your routine and habits could alter, and you might question the foundations. 

Because of that, you will probably revisit your childhood memories, environment, or connections. That will help you heal traumas that caused hardships in the past two years and find answers to questions that have been lingering for a long time. 

Positive Attitude and Resilience

The idea of relocating or selling your current home might emerge in 2022. You’ll be keen on improving your life and making drastic changes. 

However, you will also consider the possibility of becoming a parent or adopting a pet. The nurturing urges might kick in and motivate you to take on greater responsibilities than ever. 

But your need to nurture and take care of someone might have origins in your past traumas or family issues. Hence, you might have to address things you’ve been avoiding in the past. 

Thus, 2022 will start with Venus retrograde in Capricorn. As a result, other people might find your ability to get to the bottom of things admirable. 

You’re not afraid of digging deep to discover the root of your problems, even if it takes some time. That ability will increase in January, and you’ll impress people around you with your analytical skills. 

But be wary of not overstepping. Even though you have good intentions, you might go too far and give unsolicited advice.

Before being brutally honest with people, ensure they want to hear your opinion, or you could cause misunderstandings. Most of all, you will have to re-evaluate your goals and identify what’s been holding you back lately. 

Despite having various achievable objectives, you often struggled to reach them in the past two years. In 2022, you’ll have to be honest about whether it’s your own beliefs and viewpoints that are stopping you from getting where you want to be in life. 

That also means you will need to shift towards a more positive perspective and let go of negative thoughts. Besides learning how to emphasize self-love, you’ll also have to find a way to enjoy small things and stop seeing the worst in everything. 

Thriving Self-Expression and Financial Boost

On January 14, Mercury retrograde will land into your 4th house, making you feel like you would rather stay at home than be anywhere else. Large gatherings, parties, and events won’t be your forte in this period. 

Instead, you’ll keep a small social circle and stick to people you know well. Moreover, you’ll feel the most comfortable in the safety of your home, journaling or finding solace in your hobbies. 

Mercury retrograde happens again on May 10. This time your 8th house will be the epicenter of its influence. Because of that, you might have a life-changing experience or a challenging situation that will reinforce your resilience and internal change.

That isn’t to say 2022 doesn’t have anything good in store for you. On the contrary, the year ahead of you is exciting and will bring many great things, despite occasional ups and downs. 

Between December 28, 2021, and May 10, 2022, Jupiter will be in Pisces, bringing memorable months full of fun activities and romance. In this period, your self-expression will thrive, and you’ll attract people with your bold visions and articulacy. 

You may also meet your future partner or a long-lasting friend who shares the same viewpoints and attitudes. But your happiness will peak on March 5, and that might be the best day of the year. 

Jupiter will create conjunction with the Sun, highlighting your house of twin flames. The next time this happens will be in 12 years. 

That period will also be favorable for your finances. Your money management will be on-point, and you might get a raise or find a better career opportunity.

However, your life in 2022 will never be a straight line. On September 9, Mercury retrograde will land into your 12th house, creating a need to be alone or spend most of your time with your loved one. 

A series of Solar and Lunar Eclipses will happen in your 1st and 7th house, causing situations and circumstances that could show you that whatever you don’t like in other people or events in your life is a manifestation of yourself. 

That means that something within you has created a dark perspective or understanding of the reality around you. These eclipses will help you identify whether that’s a memory or belief and how to change it. 

On April 30, a Solar Eclipse will activate gratitude, and you’ll acknowledge how far you have come. Thanks to that, your energy will be addictive, and you’ll have the power to achieve great things at work.

Moreover, a Lunar Eclipse on May 15 will force you to let go of habits and thoughts that no longer serve you and hinder your growth. But a Solar Eclipse on October 25 will reinforce the law of attraction.

You should pay attention to what you manifest in that period because it could soon become real and tangible. That is also the time when you’ll start turning your life around for the better, but you’ll only see the results after November 8, once the Lunar Eclipse reveals the outcomes of your enduring effort. 

Overall, 2022 brings you various opportunities to reach your goals and learn how to enjoy life with more ease. Despite all its challenges, you will finally look on the brighter side and take things less seriously than you tend to do. 

But you will also discover how to solve problems and complete your tasks without letting them consume you. On top of that, you might meet a romantic partner who will stay in your life for a long time. 

sagittarius horoscope

Dear Sagittarius, are you ready for a year that will bring new colors to your life? Venus retrograde in Capricorn will land into your 2nd house and mark the beginning of 2022.

In this period, you’ll receive a cosmic push to re-evaluate your finances and find a better way to manage money. It’s a great idea to set new goals in January concerning savings and start tracking your budget. 

Be wary of overspending because you’ll fall into various temptations to purchase expensive items and things you don’t genuinely need. Once Mercury retrograde starts again at the end of 2022, you’ll see whether the actions you took to improve your finances were the best possible solution.

Communication Improvement and Letting Go of Toxic People

Disciplined Saturn will continue its journey through your 3rd house throughout the year, slowly transforming your mindset and how you communicate with people. Although you tend to be blunt and brutally straightforward, you will become more careful about how you deliver your words. 

Because of that, you’ll convey your messages in a more relatable way, ensuring people can sympathize with you and develop a more profound bond. Thus, you will learn to share your thoughts and ideas with others without sounding self-centered or preachy. 

Your communication skills will come to the forefront on January 14, when Mercury retrograde enters Aquarius and forces you to choose your words wisely. Yet, misunderstandings and quarrels are still possible in this period, so avoid conflicts and arguments. 

The second Mercury retrograde will start on May 10, again causing discord if you’re not careful. You might do something in this period that will require you to apologize to a loved one, or you’ll be the one to hear apologies. 

However, this will also be a great time to re-evaluate your relationships and if someone in your life is holding you back from becoming a better version of yourself. Various circumstances will force you to wonder whether you genuinely feel comfortable in the presence of some people or you’re still close with them due to being afraid to move on. 

You might also ask yourself whether you have grown out of some friendships. Because of that, you’ll be eager to meet new people, expand your social circle, and mingle with diverse groups of people. 

Moreover, you’ll likely let go of toxic connections and persons who drain your energy or make you feel bad about yourself. 

Although you’ll welcome new people into your life, you’ll never forget those who left and how they influenced your growth throughout the years. Jupiter will land in your 4th house at the beginning of the year and make you feel more homey than usual. 

Hence, you’ll feel less keen on spending time outdoors and more eager to be with your friends and family and stay at home. You will also become curious about discovering details about your family history or finding long-lost relatives. 

The Full Moon and Pluto in Capricorn combo will bring positive developments on March 18. The effort you have put into your career and professional projects in the recent past will come to the forefront in this period, and you’ll finally get the long-deserved rewards and acknowledgment. 

Romantic Awakening and Spirituality

On May 10, lucky Jupiter will enter the courageous Aries and land into your 5th house, a wave of positive energy will come your way, and you’ll feel that the things you did in the last few months have made you a new person. 

However, throughout 2022, you’ll be hesitant about forming new romantic relationships and committing to someone. But you might meet someone who shares the same passion for travel, exploration, and adventure mid-year. 

This person could trigger your curiosity, open your mind to possibilities, and your heart to love. On the other hand, you’ll also become more interested in wellness and improving your daily routine. 

A series of Solar and Lunar Eclipses will land into your 6th and 12th house, giving you a nudge to take better care of your health. Hence, you might start regularly visiting the gym or making healthy smoothies in the morning.

Overall, 2022 will help you reconnect with yourself and your family. Spirituality will also play a more significant role in your life, and you’ll pay more attention to what your body and soul are telling you than you did in the years before. 

capricorn horoscope

Dear Capricorn, the past few years have been anything but easy. You’ve been through various challenges, including health and financial issues. 

But 2022 will start with Venus retrograde in your sign, encouraging you to put yourself first and re-evaluate whether everything in your life aligns with your needs and objectives. Because of that, this year has the potential to be among your favorites.

Saturn will continue its slow journey through your 2nd house, highlighting the finances and material resources sector. In this period, you might find that what you find valuable is changing. 

Career Progress and Well-Being Boost

You might start paying less attention to how much money you have and focus on your well-being and family. On the other hand, you might improve your budgeting skills and accumulate wealth.

As a result, you could purchase a lot in 2022, launch your own business, or merge your company with an influential stakeholder. Disciplined Saturn will help you let go of dysfunctional beliefs holding you back from achieving success.

Thus, your organizational skills will improve, and you’ll become better at managing your time, assignments, and leisure time. On January 14, Mercury retrograde will land into your financial zone, giving you a cosmic push to identify the habits that slow down your progress and activities that prevent you from reaching your goals. 

The influence of lucky Jupiter will also contribute to your professional prosperity, creating favorable circumstances that will help you complete a demanding project or negotiate the best conditions for your job. On February 4, Mars will form a sextile with Jupiter, allowing you to turn your plans into action and accomplish a significant profit. 

The second Mercury retrograde starts on May 10, and it falls into your 6th house, affecting health and routines. You might adopt a healthier lifestyle in this period, believing that no wealth is more significant than health. 

Hence, organic food, fitness, and a regular diet could become your priority mid-year. Thus, you will enjoy your self-care routine and might even start a blog or YouTube channel to share your tips with other people. 

In the fall, the third Mercury retrograde will land into your 10th house and motivate you to review how much you have accomplished in the first half of the year and how you could improve your efforts. You could make some big decisions regarding your future and potential achievements.

The final Mercury retrograde in 2022 will slow things down, inspire you to find joy in small things, and reflect on how far you have come in the past few years. However, you’ll also get rewards or recognition for your achievements for the projects or assignments you completed in the first half of 2022.

Relationship Excitement and Alluring Vibe

The New Moon on September 25 will fall into your 10th house, announcing great things in your career. You might get a job proposal you’ll find hard to refuse, or you’ll receive a raise. If you’re self-employed or looking for an opportunity, this will turn around for the better in this period, and you might find work that aligns with your goals and standards.

A series of Solar and Lunar Eclipses will happen during the spring and fall and land into your 5th and 11th house. Because of that, your friendships and professional partnerships will be in the spotlight.

Perhaps your friends, coworkers, or business partners will help you find a solution to a problem that’s been bothering you for a long time. That will help you move on from the status quo and reach your goals smoothly. Thus, these events will remind you of the paramount importance of human connections and accepting someone’s help.

A Solar Eclipse on April 30 will reignite your creativity, allowing you to have more fun at work and find a more engaging approach to complete your tasks. Moreover, your self-expression will get a boost, and you’ll find it easier to communicate with people and convey the right message.

A Lunar Eclipse on May 15 will provide you with the necessary wisdom to understand what friendships no longer serve a purpose in your life and, instead, hold you back. That will also open the door to new people and experiences that will enrich the rest of 2022 and make it memorable.

Your love life will also get a boost in the months ahead of you. Throughout the year, you’ll encounter intriguing persons who will spark your attention. If you have a partner, the passion between you two will be wilder than ever, and you might decide to take a further step in your relationship. 

Thus, Venus and Mars will come together in Capricorn on February 16, increasing your magnetism and bringing flirty excitement your way. In this period, you’ll be more alluring than ever, so don’t be surprised if you receive new social media follows or meet people eager to know you better. 

Overall, 2022 is booming with opportunities of all kinds, and you’ll have a hard time keeping up with activities and new people in your life. Jupiter will spend most of the year in Pisces and flow through your 3rd house, ensuring you convey your ideas efficiently and inspire others to join your cause.

Every day you’ll wake up with new plans and solutions, excited to start working on your projects. However, you should pay attention to your health and avoid burnout because you’ll find it tempting to work non-stop.

Your ambition will hit the roof in 2022, and people will find your energy irresistible. Hold on, one of the best years is about to start!

aquarius horoscope

Dear Aquarius, 2021 has probably been a challenging ride for you, full of ups and downs. You might feel that you never had the time to catch a break and relax.

But the challenges you experienced in the past two years forced you to grow and embark on the journey of becoming a better version of yourself. Your transformation process will continue in 2022, and diligent Saturn will reinforce your strengths and self-improvement. 

Moreover, you’ll question what parts of your personality hold you back and whether addressing these issues could help you be happier and accomplish your objectives. Saturn has been in your sign since December 2020, meaning that you are becoming the person you were always meant to be. 

An Improved Version of You is Coming

The influence of disciplined Saturn will continue throughout the year, giving you the necessary energy to let go of people who envy you, hold you back, or want to see you fail. After you release the negative vibes they brought to your life, you’ll open to new possibilities and embrace better things.

But you won’t take it lightly. Despite the stereotype of being emotionally detached, you get attached to people and find it hard to say goodbye. 

Hence, these events may be unsettling, and you’ll have to let go of some old habits and routines. The universe wants you to learn to enjoy the flow and stop trying to hold everything under control. 

The year ahead of you is giving you a cosmic nudge to let go, forget what you think should happen, and be present in the moment. You’ll also have to learn to embrace other people’s attention and handle being in the spotlight. 

Although you dislike when all eyes are on you, that might often be the case in 2022. Because of that, you’ll quickly understand that this year is about you and your needs. 

The events and situations you’ll face will show you that you should put yourself first sometimes and avoid ruining your day because someone else isn’t going in the right direction. These lessons will help you become a better version of yourself. 

But your change won’t be internal only. You will want to show the world that you’re no longer who you used to be and that you have grown a lot over the years. 

Whenever you’re experiencing inner transformations, you want that to manifest in your physical appearance. As a result, you might get a new haircut, change your hair color, alter your fashion style, start using a different makeup, or gain or lose weight. 

That’s because you want everything in your life to align with the new version of you. However, you might also experience changes out of your control. 

For example, the family dynamic could shift, you might relocate to a different country, or face the childhood traumas that require you to address them. Mercury retrograde in your sign will reinforce the need to change your mindset, causing confusion and making you ask yourself who it is that you want to be. 

You will wonder where you want to be and what you want to achieve. These questions will wreak havoc in your head throughout the year because Mercury retrograde happens three more times and crosses paths with your 5th, 9th, and 12th houses. 

Thorough Changes and New Commitments 

At the beginning of the year, Lucky Jupiter will be in your 2nd house, and this is where your transformation will be most visible. Because of that, you’ll notice that your viewpoints are changing, and you no longer value things that used to be of paramount importance to you. 

Thus, you’ll start wanting things that now align with your attitudes and desires but didn’t before. But the universe will recognize the depth of your wishes and respond supportively, ensuring you get what you deserve. 

That’s why 2022 is a profoundly rewarding year for you, but it will also require your fortitude and endurance. You might have to increase the scope of your responsibilities or commit to something highly demanding. 

For example, you might decide to get married, move in with a partner, have a baby, launch your own business, or make a drastic career move. That’s where your growth will come to the forefront, showing first-hand how far you have come. 

On February 17, Jupiter will cross paths with revolutionary Uranus in Taurus, allowing you to turn your dreams into reality. On April 12, Jupiter will encounter Neptune, resulting in their first meeting in the last 13 years. 

That’s when your desires will become tangible, and whatever you’ve been manifesting in this period could come true. Thus, Jupiter will move into Aries on May 10 and land into your 3rd house, making you more assertive and persuasive. 

Thanks to that, people will love hearing your insights, and you might inspire them to follow their dreams and reach their goals. On the other hand, you will also experience excitement in your love sector throughout the year. 

Venus’s influence on March 5 could result in a life-changing romantic encounter, bringing someone new into your life. If you have a partner, the passion between you two will reignite, and you’ll feel the way you did at the beginning of your relationship. 

pisces horoscope

Dear Pisces, your cycle of substantial changes started in December 2020, and those events were often tiring. That is when disciplined Saturn started influencing your 12th house, causing an accelerated inner transformation and spiritual shift. 

Although you couldn’t control most of the circumstances disrupting your life in the past two years, the lessons you have gained will serve you for a long time. However, changes aren’t going to slow down in 2022. 

Yet, the year ahead of you is much better than what you’re leaving behind. You will experience life and the world around you more intensely and with more determination than ever. 

Self-Development and Introspection

Although drastic transformations often seem intimidating, Jupiter will be in your sign for most of the year and bring you the necessary luck. Because of that, even when you encounter potentially unfavorable situations, they will emerge to teach you a valuable lesson and contribute to your well-being. 

Hence, if you expect stellar opportunities this year, you’re not wrong. Jupiter and Neptune will cross paths in your sign on April 12, encouraging you to be more laid back and go with the flow. 

You will also be less rigid and more open to possibilities in this period. The celestial influence will also help you follow your dreams without fears and achieve more with less effort. 

Thanks to that, you’ll often feel that the world around you aligns perfectly with your needs and desires. If you stay grounded and confident, good things will come your way, and you’ll attract the positive things you’re manifesting. 

Be wary of distractions because Neptune is known for bringing confusion. As a result, you could find yourself unsure which approach to take and how to move forward. 

The best way to remain composed and follow the right direction is to take some time to focus and think it through. Avoid rash decisions and trust your gut as much as you trust the evidence.

After all, your intuition will be sharper in 2022 and will help you make the best decisions and stay on track. However, you should also do your part to improve your instincts and be more confident about your decision-making.

Consider meditation, journaling, or taking long walks to clear your mind. In 2022, introspection will come to the forefront, and you’ll learn many things about yourself that will help you let go of things that no longer serve you and reach your objectives. 

Moreover, you’ll focus on self-development and become the best version of yourself by listening to what your soul tells you. The year will start with Venus retrograde cruising through your 11th house and affecting your friendship and community sector. 

Because of that, you might find it hard to find a middle ground with your friends, or you’ll prefer to be alone. You will also start re-evaluating your connections and asking yourself who is there due to their personal interests and who genuinely loves you. 

Thanks to that, you might let go of dysfunctional friendships and be open to new people who will appreciate you for who you are, without ill intentions. Your support system will also strengthen in the process, and you’ll feel that you can genuinely rely on the persons in your life. 

Old Flames and Finances Boost

You could also reconnect with people from your past who didn’t feel like a good match before. But this year, they will align perfectly with who you’re becoming. That also means that you might reignite an old romantic flame in 2022 that was alive in your heart all these years. 

In general, your definition of friendship could change this year, and you’ll become keener on spending time with those who feel like a family to you. But you will be open to people from all walks of life, and you’ll attract new connections with your positive vibes. 

Another sector that will boom in 2022 is your finances. You will receive a great job opportunity this year or be the most productive employee at work. That will result in rewards and financial incentives. 

If you’ve been struggling with money in the past few years, that won’t be an issue anymore. Nevertheless, be careful with the offers you receive and choose the one that feels the most authentic and promising. 

Considering that your wealth will likely increase this year, avoid becoming careless and overspending. Think twice before purchasing things that don’t add value to your life. 

On April 30, Jupiter and Venus will cross paths in your sign for the first time in ten years. In this period, others will find you alluring, and you’ll attract potential romantic interest.

If you have a partner, you will enjoy the harmony flowing through your conversations, touch, and every moment you spend together. Because of that, you will focus on your relationship and deepen the connection between you two. 

Overall, 2022 will reward you with 365 days full of improvements, potential, and memorable moments. During this year, you’ll set achievable objectives that will help you grow and expand your life, resulting in stable grounds for the future. 


What do you think of your horoscope? Are you looking forward to 2022? Let us know in the comments below!

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