If You Care About Your Heart, You Should Know The Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

Most of us are connected to someone who has had a heart attack. It could be you — perhaps a relative or a friend has suffered from heart problems before. Perhaps you yourself have suffered a heart attack. Either way, women all over the world need to be heart smart and know the symptoms — especially the silent ones. It’s not just about loving ourselves and loving others, it’s about how to keep your heart healthy.

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Whether you have spent a lifetime on a diet or you are getting macrobiotic counseling to learn how to be healthier, you need to know how to look after your heart. To be able to take care of the beat that keeps you alive, you need to know the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, because women and men have different symptoms when it comes to them. The shocking thing is that not enough women know the signs that something is wrong, and if you care about your heart health, education is the key to ensuring that everything is just fine. And if it’s not, you’ll know. Below, we’ve put together the signs of a heart attack in women.

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1. Pressure. If there’s a tight squeeze or pain in the center of the chest, these are obvious signs that your body is responding to a problem. They can last a few minutes, or the pain can come and go — both are signs that something is wrong.

2. Pain. In the arms, in the jaw, in the upper back, in the stomach — each of these places can be affected by a heart attack in women, and it’s a pain that is uncomfortable more than sharp.

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3. Breathing is short and sharp, and it’s hard to take a deep breath. All of these signs and signals of pain can be a heart attack, and even without the pain, it can still be one. Pay attention to your breathing, and if you can’t catch your breath, it might be time to call a doctor. 

4. Being dizzy. Being lightheaded. Breaking into a sweat. Add these signs to nausea, and you have a broad symptom of a heart attack.

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These are all the most common signs of a heart attack in women. However, there are some less common signs to look out for — let’s take a look!

1. Exhaustion. Fatigue can be a sign of so many things, but if it’s always present and severe, it can be a sign of a heart attack. Insomnia works the same way: tie it to other signs of a heart attack and it can be a precursor.

2. Coughing. If you are coughing, having shortness of breath, or experiencing heartburn, you may find that your heart is on the way out.

3. Heartburn. This shouldn’t be constant — ever. Look out for this feeling among the other symptoms and you can rule out whether it’s your heart or your dinner that’s causing the pain.

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If you are heart smart, you can make the right decisions about your health and notice when something is wrong. Did you know about these symptoms? If you have other tips, share them in the comments!

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