Not Getting A Good Night’s Sleep? How To Make Your Bedroom Stress Free

Did you know that you spend approximately one-third of your time in the bedroom? And because a lot of that time should be spent snoozing, you should strive to make it as cozy and relaxing as possible. 

Even if you’ve done all the “right” things making your bedroom an oasis, like splurging on a quality mattress, investing in a white noise machine, etc., drifting off to dreamland may still elude you. Why? There are some things in there that could be stressing you out. 

But fear not, we found out what the culprits are and how to make your bedroom a stress-free haven with some quick fixes.  

Here are some tips for turning your bedroom into a sleeping sanctuary.

Tips For A Stress Free Bedroom

Your bedroom may be hiding a few stressors that are keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep, and you may not even be aware of them, according to Natalie C. Dattilo, a clinical psychologist, instructor of psychiatry at Harvard and owner of Priority Wellness Group.

“Our ability to fall asleep is contingent upon our bodies and brains being relaxed, so removing any items that trigger stress, anxiety or worry is key, as is introducing items that’ll help you feel relaxed and at ease,” Dattilo explained to The Girlfriend.

Let’s explore the stressors and how to transform your boudoir into a stress-free bedroom!


The first and biggest offender is clutter. A study found that clutter made it hard for people to enjoy their bedrooms and, in the long run, made people unhappy with their lives as a whole. 

That is one very dark study, and I’m going to declutter my bedroom immediately, not only to sleep better, but on the off chance it’ll affect my entire life.

Dattilo says that the best way to declutter is to start small.

“It’s easy to become overwhelmed if you try to tackle the entire bedroom at once, so set yourself up for success by starting with a dresser drawer, a nightstand or a bookshelf before tackling larger areas like the closet,” she recommends. “Once you’ve completed the task, bask in the glory — spend time in your clean space and let yourself enjoy it.”

Smooth, clean surfaces are soothing to the mind, so get rid of the clutter, put away the clothes that are all over your bedroom loveseat, and acquire shelves for that pile of books that have been gathering dust.


You know the pile of laundry you’ve been meaning to tackle? The one you see in your peripheral vision every time you enter the bedroom? That pile of clothes can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety.

Dattilo says that seeing dirty clothes pile up over time or get thrown around the bedroom can also make you feel like you’re not doing enough to keep up with basic tasks.

“Dirty or unfolded laundry on the floor, articles of clothing draped over a piece of furniture, or piles occupying space in the bed can often lead to feelings of guilt, shame and stress, and will most likely detract from our ability to enjoy that space and feel good about ourselves,” she says.

How do you keep yourself motivated to keep doing laundry? Dattilo recommends making a plan and sticking to it.

“Ask yourself: Are you the type of person who likes to do all the laundry on one designated ‘laundry day’? Or are you the type of person who likes to do a little bit of laundry every day?” 

Additionally, when dealing with a chore you’d rather ignore, it’s useful to bring a mindful approach to the process. Folding clothes is boring, so listen to a podcast or make a playlist of new songs you’ve been meaning to check out. 

 “By approaching it this way, even the most mundane task becomes a little more interesting, and anything that increases our enjoyment of a task increases the likelihood that we will do it again,” says Dattilo.

Workout Equipment

Your stress levels may be rising despite your best efforts. Consider workout equipment: it’s just one more thing that can make you nervous in the bedroom. A treadmill or stationary bike is the last thing you should see when you are trying to sleep (although they do make excellent drying racks; I know from personal experience).

In the same way that people feel that the kitchen is used for eating, the same school of thought applies to the bedroom – it should only be used for sleeping and not for exercising. If at all possible, you should clear the bedroom of any workout equipment. 

Desks And Work-Related Items

We know you’re dedicated to your job, but according to Dattilo, having work-related items in the bedroom can be a major source of anxiety. She goes even further and says that you shouldn’t work from your bed because it should only be used for two things: snoozing and sex.

“I typically do not recommend that people work from their bed, as that can sometimes lead to ‘conditioned insomnia’ where one essentially ‘trains the brain’ to stay awake in bed because they’ve repeatedly paired activities that prevent sleep with time spent in the bed,” Dattilo says.

Dattilo recommends making your bedroom more of a haven by cutting back on activities that cause stress and increase those that bring you joy. For many people, this will consist of reading a good book, relaxing, playing music, maintaining a journal, or having sex. 

And don’t forget the most important enjoyable thing of all — getting a good night’s sleep


A stress free bedroom can do wonders for your sleep routine — share what you think in the comments!

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