2. It’s date night at your favorite restaurant! What do you order?
3. What’s your workout routine like?
4. It’s Friday night, how do you celebrate?
5. Your friend wants to set you up with one of his/her friends, what do you do?
6. How often are you on Instagram?
7. How do you feel about grocery shopping?
8. You just heard big news! Who’s the first person you tell?
9. What do you consider yourself in social situations?
Quiz: Do You Know Your Social Networking Type? Take Our Lifestyle Quiz To Find Out!
You're an Expansionist! You’re the social butterfly with tons of connections! You know everyone and everyone knows you. You have never walked into a room without someone who you’ve at least followed on Instagram, and you love the wide variety of social connections you have.
You're a Broker! You have lots of different friend groups, and they probably don’t overlap, but you’re just fine with that! It makes it all the more fun when you can bring those different groups together, and you’re really good at helping others connect.
You're a Convener! You probably have one main friend group, and you guys do everything together -- from work to exercise to school PTA programs and religious events! Your friend group is likely to be populated by tons of mutual friends, and that's how you like it!
Which social networking type are you? Do you think it fits? Let us know in the comments below!
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