Answer These Weird Questions To Reveal Your Relationship Attachment Style

attachment style quiz

attachment style quiz

attachment style quiz

attachment style quiz

attachment style quiz

attachment style quiz

attachment style quiz

Quiz: Answer These Weird Questions To Reveal Your Relationship Attachment Style

secure relationship

You are super open and honest about your feelings. You know that the most healthy relationships contain the most communication, so you work hard to tell your partner how you feel. Keep up the good work!


You don’t love to talk about your needs and the problems you have. Often, you can find your emotions bubbling up at the worst times. Work on having more open communication with your partner to improve your relationship even more!
Avoidant Dismissive

avoidant dismissive

You’re super independent -- you don’t need no man! But you also understand the importance of reciprocity in a relationship, and you’re working on trying to find a balance between independence and co-living. You can do it!
Avoidant Fearful

avoidant fearful

You rely on your partner and friends a lot. That’s not bad, but you do put a lot of your self worth into what they think. You’re working on finding your worth outside of them and building trust and good feelings with them in the relationship. Keep it up!


What was your relationship attachment style quiz result? Was it accurate? Let us know in the comments!

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