Your Phone Is Nasty. Here’s How To Give It A Proper Clean

We’re all used to spring cleaning, but this year, we’re focusing on more than just deep cleaning the house and car. We’re also looking at our digital devices: tablets, computers, and, especially, our cell phones. Why? Well, part of the reason for our new focus on cleaning our phones is because we saw a show on Brainchild titled “Why Should We Wash Our Hands”

It’s not like we didn’t realize that germs are everywhere, but sometimes, it just takes some added song and dance to make me realize just how dirty my cell phone really is. We live in a world that’s inundated with bugs and germs. With kids, that becomes even more clear when they’re little and they slobber all over our phones, eat food off the floor, or engage in any of the other germy practices that we, as parents, know so well.

So, how do we protect ourselves from all the germs constantly covering our cell phones? How do we make sure they’re clean, disinfected, and safe to use for our never-ending need for connection? Here are a few tips on how to clean your phone. 

Disinfectant Wipes

Disinfectant wipes have been ever-present over the last few years, so it’s not a surprise that you’ll use them for cleaning your phone, too. Clorox Disinfecting Wipes and Lysol Disinfecting Wipes are always go-to favorites for killing all those nasty germs. With phones and other electronic devices, though, you need to make sure that you’re not using a product that will scratch or otherwise damage your screen. Here’s one product that works great. 

Weiman Disinfectant Electronic Wipes

Weiman electronic wipes

Weiman Disinfectant Electronic wipes are a great product because they clean the screen and disinfect your phone, killing 99.9% of bacteria, germs, and viruses, without scratches or lint. The quick-dry formulation safely removes dirt, dust, fingerprints, and hair, leaving your screen clean and dry. 

SHOP – $3.19

Microfiber Cloth

Disinfecting wipes are a great first step for cleaning your phone, but you’ll probably notice streaks and fingerprints, no matter which brands or types you use. So, the next step is to use a microfiber cloth to remove the smudges and streaks. If the streaks are already dried on the screen, you can use a small quantity of distilled water to dampen your microfiber cloth before wiping the screen.

There are lots of variations of microfiber cloths that you can use for cleaning surfaces throughout your home and car. Microfiber cloths for your digital devices just look and feel different, and if you’re not sure which kind will work best, you can also ask for advice from the staff when you’re next in the electronics department. Or, just give Screen Joy cloths a try.

Screen Joy Screen Cleaning Cloths

Screen Joy microfiber cloths

Screen Joy Screen Cleaning Cloths are a great solution for removing fingerprint smudges, streaks, and other unwanted residues. For the full effect, buy the full Screen Joy Computer Screen Cleaner Kit, which comes with their professional screen cleaning solution. It’s designed to remove dust, oils, and other streaks from even the more sensitive smartphones, tablets, and other devices. They say that it’s “your screen’s new secret for looking young.” 

SHOP – $8.99

Micro-Cleaning Attachment Kit

micro-cleaning attachments

We all drop our phones now and then. Even if we don’t drop them, our smartphones can get filthy with sand and dirt in the crevices. That’s where micro-vacuum attachment kits come in. With universal adapters for most vacuums, you can remove all the dirt from the tiny crevices of your phone. 

SHOP – $11.99

Smart Mobile Phone Cleaner Device

phone sterilizer

Ultrasonic smartphone cleaning devices are still relatively new, but they’ve become super popular. The patented design features UV-light disinfection, which kills 99.9% of bacteria, germs, and viruses. As a safety measure, the UV light automatically turns off when you open the top, so you can’t accidentally damage your eyes. You can also use this portable ultraviolet device to disinfect your smartwatch, toothbrush, credit cards, keys, or any other items that are germ carriers. I particularly love the aromatherapy feature on this cleaning device. 

SHOP – $25.00

Which Products Should You Avoid When Cleaning Your Phone?

Now that you have the basics down for how to clean your phone, you should still be cautious. It’s easy to use other products that seem like they should work. In reality, they may just strip the coating from your phone, removing its protective layer. Here are just a few of the items you should avoid when cleaning your phone: 

  • Compressed air

  • Dish soap & hand soap

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Kitchen cleaners

  • Makeup remover

  • Paper towels

  • Rubbing alcohol

  • Vinegar 

  • Window cleaner

In other scenarios, you might also see recommendations for using diluted vinegar to clean parts of your phone. Whenever you use alcohol or any product on your phone screen, make sure it says that it’s safe to use as a phone screen cleaner. Getting rid of the germs doesn’t mean you’re looking for a scratched-up phone, so use the right products for your needs! 


What are your thoughts on cleaning your phone? Do you have a favorite product or method? We’d love to hear more about it in the comments below.

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