We Know Which Pop Tart Flavor You Are Based On Your Reading Habits, Trust Us


pop tart flavors



pop tart flavors





pop tart flavors




pop tart flavors



pop tart flavors

We Know Which Pop Tart Flavor You Are Based On Your Reading Habits, Trust Us
You're Frosted Strawberry

pop tart flavors

You’re super into the classics and love a good reread! While your taste hasn’t changed much since high school English, you love some new reads too. Your ideal book date would probably be in a Barnes and Nobles or a busy coffee shop.
You’re Frosted Brown Sugar Cinammon

pop tart flavors

You’re into self help books even though you don’t always need them. You’re strong and independent and sure of who you are as a person but you’re always looking to grow and learn as much as you can. Your ideal bookstore would be one that no one knows about and probably serves specialty cocktails named after literary puns.
You’re Frosted Cherry

pop tart flavors

You love a poetry or short story book. You usually are the one recommending the underground finds to your friends. You pride yourself in being one of the smartest people at any gathering and can hold your own in a conversation about nearly everything. Your ideal book shop would be a library so you can pick from their wide range of selections.
You’re Frosted S’Mores

pop tart flavors

You love some YA and a good love story. You grew up on fairytales and who says that you can’t still have your happy ending? You want every book you read to leave you happier than when you picked it up and more confident that you’ll find your happy ending too. Your ideal book hangout would be at a small cafe that serves the best pastries and might have a little collection of books in the back.
You’re Frosted Cookies and Creme

pop tart flavors

You love the classic idea with a twist. Your books are usually historical fiction, emphasis on the fiction. You love a love story, but also want to say that you’ve learned a bit on your reading journey. You love to find unique places to get books like neighborhood DIY libraries and book mobiles. The more instagrammable the better.
You’re Frosted Wild Berry

pop tart flavors

You’re Frosted Wild Berry - You’re constantly on the go and ready for the next adventure. You read all of the top book club picks the second they hit the store and probably have an account on Goodreads. While you love books, your energetic style lends to more of an audiobook life. Your Kindle and Amazon Prime bag are never too far away from your grip. Your ideal book moment would be a walk with your airpods in listening to your newest audible best seller.

Which pop tart flavor are you? Let us know in the comments!

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