Mom To Mom: How To Find Your Work-Life Balance

Meet Jasmin! She is a 37-year-old mother based out of Dallas, Texas (originally from Los Angeles) balancing the life of a stay-at-home mom and full-time content creator. She also homeschools her daughter, making her schedule one busy situation.

Her love for all things DIY and Disney has created some beautiful career opportunities for Jasmin, and she’s here to talk to us about it as well as give us tips on balancing life as a busy mom. Finding a creative outlet is so incredibly important, but having the time to do so is another story. Let’s hear how she manages to do it all!

mom to mom jasmine

Q. What is your favorite thing to do outside of motherhood? 

Create. If I’m not working on a project or, at least, have a list of projects I want to do in mind, I feel lost. 


Q. Where did your love for Disney originate?

We didn’t have much growing up, but my mom loved Disneyland, and she shared that with us as best she could. I remember going to the park as a kid but not being able to buy food or souvenirs. When we’d get home with the free maps, my brother and I would pretend that we were at Disneyland again and make our own pretend things. I think that’s what sparked my infatuation with the parks. 


Q. When did your DIY life kick off? 

I was born into it. Haha! But really, my mom was a maker. She had a huge imagination, and I grew up watching her have these wild ideas that she just brought to life.

I was her only daughter, and basically, her sidekick, so I would always be there to help. By the time I was 8 or 9, I was sewing full-on outfits and little dollhouse things for my Barbies and redecorating my bedroom. By the time I was a teen, my mom had taught me how to cook, sew, and use power tools. 


Q. Where do you find your inspiration for your projects?

Honestly, everywhere. I have a list in my phone of ideas. Whenever an idea comes to mind, I jot it down so I can revisit it and figure out how to create it at a later time. However, whenever I hit a creative block, I turn to Pinterest. I look up creative photography, aesthetics, or art and it might take a few days, but then the ideas start flowing! 


Q. You seem to have a love for pink. Where does the love come from? Do you find it easy to incorporate the color into your Disney projects?

Pink is my happy color! In high school, I loved pink so much, but after noticing my entire wardrobe was pink, I convinced myself that I had to grow up and slowly transitioned into all black. It wasn’t until recently (about 4 years ago) that I realized how silly that was and decided to surround myself with what makes me happy. I definitely find it a challenge to incorporate pink into my projects, however, I love a challenge! 


Q. You recently got invited to Walt Disney World on behalf of Disney Parks for a special reason. Tell us a bit about it and your experience at the parks?

The Disney Creators Celebration was a trip where Disney Parks invited 70 Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and blog creators and their families on a Disney Cruise and WDW to experience the parks as well as some special experiences and, basically, to celebrate creators of all types (not just Disney Creators). Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make it to the cruise portion, but the parks experience was amazing. We had full, fun-filled itineraries every day. It was lots of early mornings and late nights. We were basically surviving off of naps, but it was an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime experience for me, and totally worth it! 

mom to mom interview

Q. Has your personal business as a content creator changed much since this experience?

It actually hasn’t. I did expect that this would catapult me creatively and I could run with the momentum into nonstop creating and collab opportunities. However, the reality is that I’m a mom first, and at the moment, my child needs more of me. Like I mentioned, I homeschool, but also my daughter has ADHD, OCD, and GAD, so that’s where I’m dedicating a lot of my time, and that’s ok. There are seasons in life for everything, and I’m just thankful that I am able to stay home with her right now. 


Q. What have been your two most surreal moments since starting your DIY journey?

DEFINITELY receiving an email from Disney. I thought it was spam, at first, and didn’t open it for several days because what would Disney want with me? Also, the first time I had a Zoom meeting with Courtney from Color me Courtney/Color me Magic. That was SUCH a fangirl moment! I had been a fan for YEARS, and she asked if I wanted to be a part of her mentoring program – to which I said yes, of course. 


Q. What are some goals as a content creator you have for the year and year to come?

My biggest goal is to go back to school. I would love to begin working on an interior design degree and move this to the next level. Also to increase my collaborations. I am such a scaredy cat (anxiety) and I am scared to reach out to brands. It’s definitely a goal of mine to reach out to more brands for collaborations. 


Q. Any advice to moms out there trying to juggle motherhood and finding a creative outlet?

Listen to your circumstances and your body. Try not to compare yourself to what you see online. I sometimes find that I’m comparing myself to other DIY-ers and I know I can do the same things, if I only had the time, but that’s not my life. I have very little time to create and it’s mostly when my kid goes to sleep or when dad takes her out for a few hours on the weekend. This is a creative outlet to fulfill yourself and make your own heart happy, this isn’t a race. Take a breath and do what’s right for you.


Are you working mom? How do you find work-life balance? Share with us in the comments below.

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