In A Slump? You’ll Love These 5 Activities For Adults

Looking for ways to fill your time that won’t end up wasting your time? We’ve all been there — we’ve all experienced that itch to do something more. Sometimes finding activities for adults isn’t that easy, especially when you throw a pandemic into the mix.

I think there is a part of all humans that craves structure and challenge. During the times when I have major breaks from my usual routine, I find myself setting goals that will still stretch me. I need something in my life that causes me to be a bit tested. With the pandemic, people have found it much more difficult to simply go out and do something to occupy their time, so how can you use your time wisely when you don’t really have anything to do? Here are a few ideas of activities for adults to get you started!



The world needs volunteers now more than ever. If you simply Google “where to volunteer near me”, a long list of options will probably pop up. You can work anywhere from dog shelters to food pantries. You can also donate blood. If you’re not comfortable going out in public right now, here are some ways to volunteer from home. Think of volunteering as giving back to the community that’s also good for you. It puts you in a giving mindset, allowing you to look to others and help others instead of being focused on yourself. It will also put you in a community of other people who are also giving their time. Here are some of the many ways volunteering will help you as much as the people around you.

Try Online Learning

I know, I know, you were in school for a long time. But there is joy in learning! Harvard University and Stanford University are offering free courses online currently, as well as websites like Coursera. Duolingo is also an amazing app/website to get if you want to learn a new language. If you look them up, you can find what you’ve always wanted to learn, but might not have had time to in college! You can also Google “free courses in ____” and see what pops up! I looked up courses in literature, and I might be taking a few. You can also look to books or YouTube for this information. I want to learn how to make cocktails by the end of this year. Take advantage of the millions of ways you can learn that are around you, and have fun! Taking these courses won’t just boost your resume, but they might also light a spark in you as well!


I try to create something every day. Human beings were made to create. Now, I’m not saying we are all called to be artists or painters — sometimes creating for me is taking my Crayola Crayons and drawing in my adult coloring book. But look to do something with your hands every day. I like to bake as much as I can. Something about it takes away stress and allows me to get my hands dirty without actually getting dirty. I also really love knitting, so I take my needles out when I sit down to binge some TV. That way, I can have my downtime while also making something.

Start a Workout Plan

This might sound like the worst possible idea in the world, but really — start one! I promised myself two years ago that I would never do a workout that I wouldn’t have fun in. Ever since then, I haven’t missed a day at the gym. Try different styles, different instructors, and different platforms until you find what you love! I do a barre exercise every day. I go on YouTube and simply type in “barre exercise” and I scroll until I find something I like. Usually, I watch PopSugar Fitness, but there are so many YouTube channels out there right now (especially with quarantine) that you won’t be lacking in resources. Amazon Prime also has a section of workout videos, so if you want to do something that’s in more of a series, you can add that to your ‘to watch list’. Need home exercise equipment? Here’s some of our favs to get you started:

Start a Vision Board

If you don’t feel like your life is going the way you always dreamed, then start dreaming again! Go on Pinterest or Google Images, look up some images of what makes your heart happy, print them out, and make your own vision board! Not only will this give you the motivation to do the things you’ve always wanted to, it will also inspire you by reminding you what you love. So often, we forget about the things that give us joy, so remind yourself of those!


What activities for adults have you done when you’re in a rut? What are you going to try now? Leave a comment below!

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