Pick A Song From Every Decade To Reveal Your Aura Color

aura color quiz

aura color quiz

aura color quiz

aura color quiz

aura color quiz

aura color quiz

aura color quiz

Quiz: Pick A Song From Every Decade To Reveal Your Aura Color

aura color

Your aura is yellow! You’re very positive and joyful! Others love your optimism and the harmony you bring to spaces. You love learning everything about life and the world and can find happiness even in the dark spaces!

aura color

Your aura is orange! You’re incredibly vibrant, creative, and vivacious! You always seek out adventure and tend to exude good health -- probably because you value connectedness to nature and your passions. Go you!

aura color

Your aura is red! You’re super solid and powerful! Others admire your strength and groundedness, and you’re known for your passion. Sometimes it even seems to explode from you in the best of ways!

aura color

Your aura is purple! You’re totally spiritual and visionary! Maybe you’re a self-proclaimed mystic and maybe you even practice this through psychic exercises. You’re a dreamer at heart and very in tune with the spiritual realm!

aura color

Your aura is blue! You’re known for being a naturally healing presence! Your wisdom astounds others and you frequently have valuable insights into situations. You’re a gifted teacher and can remain calm even in stressful situations, which others seriously appreciate about you!

aura color

Your aura is green! Just like the green earth, you love to grow and help others grow! You’re very good at remaining balanced and optimistic, and you find it easy to be enthusiastic about nearly everything. Others feel inspired just by being around you!

aura color

Your aura is white! You’re the angel of your friend group! Others see you as being extraordinarily wise, pure, true and deeply good. You probably tend toward the spiritual. You love seeking out newness and helping create new, good things to infuse the world with!


What aura color did you get? Do you think we were right? Let us know in the comments below!

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